One of the biggest obstacles guys run into on the dating scene is finding women who aren't interested in nice guys. Oh sure, that's what they say they want to find, but that doesn't stop them from dating every not-so-nice guy that comes down the pike. So what's a nice guy to do? Buy a biker jacket and start slapping people around? Well, no, that strategy is ill advised. But it is possible to gain yourself a bit of an edge, and keep yourself from being put into the friends category by every hot woman you happen to meet. To do so, here are five important dating tips for guys.
TIP #1: Stop Qualifying Yourself
One of the things that turns women off the fastest is a guy who is trying everything in the book to impress them. This lowers your value, and the woman can sense it. After a certain point, nothing you can do or say will change her mind. Go into a date, or a meeting situation with the idea that she has to prove herself to you, not the other way around. In this way, she will sense your confidence and that will be an attraction in and of itself.
TIP#2: Let Her Fill the Silence
Ever out on a date, and you feel compelled to fill every silence with moronic chat and meaningless questions. Don't do it! Let the silence spin out. Let her feel the pressure. If she has nothing to say, then why would you want to date her anyway? There are plenty of girls out there like this, dumb as boards, and couldn't fill a conversation because they have no subjects on which they can converse. So just let the silence rule all, and plan to date someone else next time.
TIP #3: Don't Let Your Desperation Show
This goes hand in hand with the first two tips. Girls are attracted to guys they feel might be a little bit difficult to obtain. If you go in with both guns blazing, and a desperate sweat on your upper brow, forget about it. It will never happen in a million years. Not even the most un-dateable woman wants a guy that no one else wants.
TIP#4: Make Sure She Knows (Or Thinks) You Have Options
Don't be afraid to talk about other women. Don't do it to the point where it becomes obnoxious, but one or two mentions won't hurt. This goes to show that if she's not into you, well, there's plenty of other girls that are. She'll be the one missing out. Also, this has the added bonus of making her think other girls must see something in you, so why shouldn't she? It wouldn't hurt to have some photos handy showing you with other girls in friendly situations.
TIP #5: Get Over Your Fear of Rejection
Everyone's been rejected. Don't take it so personally. It's going to happen, so just make up your mind to deal with it and move on. The more rejections you rack up, the closer you'll be coming to getting an acceptance. No one else has to know how many "no's" you had to hear before you got a "yes," right?
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